OffSite Buildings


The offsite building provided by Plastedil is meant do develop new ways of building high quality homes, social houses, emergency houses and more, at an accelerated rate, without compromising on expected levels of house build quality.

The benefits of speed is integrated with the quality of the materials provided by PLASTBAU® Technology. The aim is to develop an entire and fully finished structure ready to be shipped and placed with minimal site labour.

The PLASTBAU® SIP – Structural Insulating Panel is the perfect product to reach this goal. It’s manufactory and building flexibility are the key to build fast, offsite and with insulated materials. Clients can choose to have a single room house or a modular one, to create a full house with every comfort.

The alternative to the PLASTBAU® SIP are the PLASTBAU® -3 and -5 building walls. These formworks can be pre-assembled and transported directly to the building site, ready to be filled with concrete. This is a solution to have an offsite, smart and insulated reinforced concrete building. Contact us to discover all our offsite solutions.

Get in touch with us!

Call us or fill out the form below and we will contact you. We strive to respond to all inquiries within 24 hours on business days.